Thursday, January 28, 2010

Knowledge Reigns Supreme

I have to preface this e-mail stating how crazy I know this sounds. But then again, the world used to be flat, didn't it?

History lesson (always a good starting point)

During the Second World War, a group of New Zealand researchers attempted to develop a device capable of provoking tsunamis that could be unleashed against Japan. The research work was conducted by Thomas Leech, an Australian national, at Auckland University behind the code name of “Project Seal”. Several small-scale test explosions were carried out successfully, between 1944 and 1945, at Whangaparaoa off the coast of Auckland.

The United States deemed this programme to be as equally promising as the “Manhattan Project”, involving the development of the atomic bomb, and appointed Dr. Karl T. Compton to maintain the liaison between the two research units. Compton was an American physicist and president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1930 to 1948.

The work started by Thomas Leech was pursued during the Cold War. In 1947, King George VI elevated him to the rank of Knight of the British Empire for his role in the elaboration of this new weapon. At the time, Project Seal was still a military secret and it was therefore not disclosed that Thomas Leech had in fact been rewarded for concocting the “tsunami bomb”. Subsequently, the US intelligence services covered it up by claiming that the research had never really existed and that the whole thing had been an artifice to impress the Soviets. However, the authenticity of Leech’s tests was established in 1999, when the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs declassified part of the documentation. The research studies are officially back on track and taking place at the University of Waikato. [2]

It is not known whether the research undertaken by the Anglo-Saxons continued during the 60’s, but it was resumed by force of circumstances when atmospheric nuclear tests were abandoned in favour of sub-marine tests. The United States were afraid of provoking earthquakes and tsunamis unintentionally. They preferred to learn how to do it intentionally.

Officially, at the end of the Vietnam War, the United States and the Soviet Union gave up environmental wars (earthquakes, tsunamis, environmental balance destabilization, atmospheric modification – clouds, rain, cyclones, tornadoes -, modification of the climate, ocean currents, the ozone layer and the ionosphere) upon signing the 1976 “Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques”.

For more on the convention (something I didn't know about)

Nevertheless, in 1975, the USSR embarked on a new research, this time in the field of Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) for the purpose of studying the earth’s crust and be able to anticipate earthquakes. The Soviets examined the possibility of provoking small quakes in order to forestall a big one. This research was quickly militarized and resulted in the construction of Pamir, the earthquake machine.

After the dismemberment of the USSR, those in charge of this programme decided to go to the United States for lure of money, but the Pentagon refused to pay them since their research was incomplete. In 1995, when Russia was governed by Boris Yeltsin and oligarch Viktor Chernomyrdin, the US Air Force recruited the researchers working at their Nizhny Novgorod laboratory. They built a much more powerful machine, Pamir 3, that was tested successfully. At that point, the Pentagon bought the men together with the material and shipped them to the United States, where they were incorporated into the HAARP programme.

Taken from this article

HAARP was started in 1993 by the United States. In 2002, Russian parliament stated:
The U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the near-Earth medium with high-frequency radio waves ... The significance of this qualitative leap could be compared to the transition from cold steel to firearms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. This new type of weapons differs from previous types in that the near-Earth medium becomes at once an object of direct influence and its component.
^ "Russian parliament concerned about U.S. plans to create qualitatively new weapons". News Bulletin (Moscow: Interfax). 8 August 2002.

What I believe is important through this account of the past is this: In 1977 world leaders met to discuss this threat. That was over 30 years ago!

Now about Haiti and the earthquake that took place in a Port-au-Prince (capital of Haiti, population over 700,000, located 750 miles off the cost of the Florida Keys). But before looking at that, let's once again look at the past...August 23, 2005 in New Orleans, Louisiana. CAT 5 Hurricane Katrina makes a sharp cut in its path and heads toward Bourbon St. The hurricane rips through the heart of the city, leaving thousands of Americans homeless, without food and clean water. Many people die. This CNN clip was broadcast on Thursday, 5 days after the hurricane had caused its devastation.

So 5 years ago, under a Bush (Republican) Administration, thousands died from lack of basic survival needs. Survival needs (food and water) that were literally right next door. In the video you see many people, 5 days after the storm, pleading for help while stranded on their roofs. People literally starved and died in the same place that Tebow won the Sugar Bowl and Breese won the NFC Championship because they couldn't get food and water. Those are to ugly facts from that disaster.

5 years later, things are different. We now go to Haiti, days before the 7.0 earthquake shook its capital city. Under the orders of General P.K. Keen, Military Deputy Commander of U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), US troops took part in an excercise simulating a humanitarian operation in Haiti after a hurricane. Keen and his staff had arrived (in Haiti) a few days earlier. At the precise moment that the earth shook, he was already sheltered in the US Embassy, built in compliance with anti-earthquake norms. General Keen has granted several interviews to the US media, which has provided ample coverage mainly focusing on the relief operations. While Keen’s presence in Port-au-Prince during the earthquake has been referred to several times, the reasons for his presence were never mentioned.

So I guess you could argue the troops were already set to go. But, 10,000 soldiers and contractors were deployed ON THE FIRST DAY. I'm curious as to how many were sent to New Orleans for the measly 60,000 stranded without essentials.

I first saw the news of troops being deployed on Drudge Report, talking about how we may be trying to invade Haiti. There were several articles discussing whether the US was harming the sovereignty of Haiti. Then I looked at what some of these third world countries were discussing. Their news articles weren't about sovereignty at all, but discussing the amazing response time of US soldiers. I believe I've heard that each military soldier, after it's all said and done, costs taxpayers around 1 million bucks. Talk about impulse spending!

If they've done it in the past, have technology to do it, doing it will benefit them in many ways, is it crazy of me to question these "co-incidences"? I encourage you to learn about the set of 5 machines worldwide that make up HAARP (the most destructive and frightening weapon you can imagine).

God bless us all

Monday, January 18, 2010

US Relief to Haiti in the Form of Guns?

3,000 US Marines heading to Haiti? For what? In a country struggling to bandage wounds and find food, rather than sending more doctors with gauze and truckloads of food, we send soldiers with guns. Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said the US is "occupying Haiti undercover". Central America, here we come.

Or have we already attacked?
HAARP-High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program

God bless America

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Here Come The Thought Police

Problem: A 23 year-old Nigerian man allegedly attempted to blow up a plane. Reporters say he had explosives in his pants.

Reaction: New coverage...of course. The man now claims to have been trained by Al-Queda in Yemen. He has also been indicted on charges of trying to kill 300 using "a weapon of mass destruction".

Solution: This is the scary part...

"Senate Intelligence Chairman Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said a "very comprehensive no-fly list" would be "the greatest protection our country has." In an interview, she said the definition of who can be included should be expanded to include anyone about whom there is "a reasonable suspicion.""
taken from

There has been talks on invading Yemen because of this incident.
Airport body scanners are being implemented as a direct human right violation.

God bless America

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Taken From The Continental Congress of 2009

The Constitutional Crisis
in a Nutshell:

Our Republic stands upon a precipice. Within a very short time we will either restore Constitutional Order or our nation - at least as we know it - will cease to exist.

One needs only scan the daily headlines to grasp that our elected officials have failed to honor their oath to uphold the Constitution: The collapsing U.S. currency; the expanding mortgage-debt crisis; rising food and oil prices, intractable (and ultimately unaffordable and unsustainable) wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, domestic spying of our emails, phone calls and Internet use; and the societal decay and crime flowing as a result of uncontrolled (illegal) immigration.

Add to this the immeasurable pain of broken families and households devastated by unbearable levels of direct taxes upon their labor that not only eviscerate the ability to save or care for their own families, they effectively enslave the population for political ends. And this is just a short list.

In our hearts, we know something is very, very wrong with America. Most people are too involved with the burdens of work and everyday life. Beyond this, we are afraid for our country, our future, our families, and our values as a People. One could almost believe that the agonies the nation now suffers are the outcomes of deliberate plans crafted by those who wish to destroy our Republic and founding Principles.

Until now, most Americans have believed that they need only elect the "right" person to implement the "right" policy and our crisis will end. Most have believed that if we surrender just a "little more" of our Freedom to our public officials, they will save us from "the terrorists" or the criminals and end the crisis. And most have believed that if we just appoint the "right" man to the helm of the (privately owned) Federal Reserve and allow him to print enough currency, our economic crisis will vanish.

The truth, however is that these problems cannot be fixed through the representative electoral process because these problems are NOT problems resulting from defective political policy -- but rather, these problems are the natural result of decades of many violations of the Constitution, all of which have had devastating impacts on The People.

The Iraq and Afghanistan wars continue without end because Congress abdicated its Constitutional duty to Declare War and failed to subject the "Iraq Resolution" to a vigorous public debate prior to committing the blood and treasure of the People to this growing global conflict.

Spiraling oil and food prices, the bursting housing "bubble", and our limitless national debt are all the result of our Government (unconstitutionally) allowing a privately-owned cartel of banks known as the "Federal Reserve System" to convert our precious metals based system of constitutional money into a system of currency based on limitless, paper debt that it can create out of thin air. While this system is the only one most of us have known for years, it is clear we have much to learn about the people and energies --over many decades -- who have acted far outside our fundamental Law to derail our governing Documents and The Principles which would have assured prosperity, peace and financial stability to our nation and our People.

The endless influx of illegal aliens into our local communities is robbing Americans of their standard of living, if not their jobs, while at the same time burdening our cities with untold side effects of closed hospitals, overflowing jails, blighted neighborhoods and degraded school systems. By refusing to enforce our immigration laws -- i.e., those currently on the books -- elected officials in all branches of government have violated their Oath of Office and their explicit duty to enforce the laws under the Constitution.

The IRS purports to possess an alleged authority to impose and enforce direct, unapportioned taxes on the labor of ordinary Americans. These taxes, (including so-called "employment" taxes) are by common definition, slave taxes. Beyond the fact that slavery is facially unconstitutional no matter its form, the Constitution explicitly prohibits any direct, non-apportioned tax. It is no coincidence that our Founders drew a bright line in the Law, by establishing the requirement for apportionment of all direct taxes as the only clause in the Constitution repeated twice.

Once we recognize the fact that the cancers that infect our Republic have been caused, not by poor political policy, but by systemic, institutionalized, and unconstitutional tyranny, we can understand why the People have been virtually helpless in halting the intractable march of darkness, decay and despotism that has plagued our nation for decades.

We can also begin to understand that We the People, will need to employ extraordinary means, outside the (controlled) establishment two-party political/electoral process to remedy our Crisis.

Thankfully our Founders provided such a means in our Constitution -- and it's a means that we can employ individually and peacefully. This means is a Right first born in written law as part of Magna Carta in 1215. Section 61 of Magna Carta held the King, under threat of force, to be held accountable to the People as a matter of the RULE OF LAW.

This principle of natural accountability to the People is, and remains, a cornerstone Principle of English Law, American Law and western civilization. In fact, the very concept of the natural dominion of men over their servant governments, and the King's obligation in the Law to respond to Petitions for Redress, is the very moral framework upon which the Revolution was justified in the Declaration of Independence.

Today we know that Right as the last ten words of the First Amendment, i.e., the Right of the People to Petition the government for Redress of Grievances.

The Right to Petition is not, as our government would have us believe, a redundantly stated Right of Free Speech or a Right to send paper the government. The Right to Petition is a procedural vehicle, in the law, and available to all -- even individuals, to serve formal Notice & Demand upon the government that it must provide substantive response and Redress for the constitutional violations so alleged – or suffer the consequences. This is the essence of the exercise of the Right of Popular Sovereignty.

The Founding Fathers expressly told us that should any government fail to provide such Redress the People are left with only two practicable options to secure Redress: violent Revolution or the withholding of taxes.

The first option is not a path any conscious American would wish to undertake at this time. The second option remains the most potent arrow in a quill of possible tools of non-violent resistance the People may need to employ soon if we are to secure the survival of the Republic and our Freedom.

In short, if we are to peacefully reverse the tide of tyranny before our Liberty is irretrievably lost, we must look well beyond the limited paradigm of electoral party politics and begin to organize to discover -- and EXERCISE -- the profound, but little known unalienable Rights protected by the Petition clause (and Ninth Amendment) as bequeathed to us by our Founders through the divinely inspired Constitution.

These little known Rights – the Right of Petition and the Right to Secure Redress are, in fact, the practical exercise of Popular Sovereignty and the natural means of insuring that government forever remains the servant of The People.

Make no mistake: The concept of holding government accountable is essential to the fundamental design for civil governance under our Founding Documents. Without direct accountability to The People, Liberty cannot exist. This is a truth our Founders were ready to take up arms and die for. Thankfully, they left us the means so that we may never have to face that choice. This is the true power of the Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances.

There is much that our nation needs to learn about.
There is much that our nation needs to debate.
There is much that our nation needs to do.

The Constitutional Crisis is upon us. By now it should be clear what fate awaits us should we fail to rise in numbers and spirit and begin to peacefully resist. Wanted or not, it is our duty, in this day, to act in defense of the divine gift of Liberty.

This is the sole purpose of Continental Congress 2009. It’s not a public protest. It’s not a freedom rally. It’s not a “constitutional convention.” It is however, the only SOLUTION being proposed to remove the cancer of despotism that plagues our Republic.

The historic CC2009 event will gather representatives of the People to document the Violations of our Law, debate the options the People possess to peacefully resist the tyrants, and emerge with a plan for The People to restore Constitutional Order and the Light of Liberty.

Please join us and support Continental Congress 2009.

God bless America

Monday, January 4, 2010

A Letter To My Family

Dear Family,

From the beginning of 2000 through the end of 2009 is when I changed from a boy to a man. As a boy I saw images of what looked like a failed demolition and an ex-military man named Timothy McVeigh sentenced for execution. I remember going to the Media Play in Western Hills and sampling music. There was one CD that caught my eye that showed a boy wearing what appeared to be a hockey jersey. I can remember listening to this album entitled "Evil Empire" when I was 11 years old not understanding what it meant but liked the guitar. Before I smoked my first cigarette or drank my first beer I saw surveillance footage of a high school cafeteria with two kids in masks carrying guns and setting off bombs. I saw students shaking from fear and hiding under tables. I saw a movie in the Danbury Cinemas in Western Hills months after it first came out called "The Matrix". I remember seeing the movie and what I felt when it was over. That movie was different and it intrigued me. The movie came out on DVD for purchase and VHS for rental, so without a DVD player I rented it about a dozen times. I was 12, and the special effects with the guns and karate were awesome.

The fear from Y2K welcomed me into high school around the age of 14. It was also the same time I opened my eyes to the hypocrisy in church and was the last time I regularly attended it. I was a sophomore when nearly 3,000 American civilians were killed on 9/11/2001 and spent my graduation night in 2004 running from police through the woods as they were arresting my classmates for drinking Keystone Light. My entire adult life our country has been at war for causes I've never understood and never been explained, but I remember seeing on TV what looked like fireworks over the city of Baghdad.

After graduation I saw another movie and listened to another CD. As Miranda and I were saving money to move I'd drive to work playing Green Day's "American Idiot". The lead singers voice was good although I couldn't understand a lot of what he said and the guitars were great. The movie I saw was "V for Vendetta". I thought it was great with special effects and a good futuristic plot. Miranda and I moved to Hawaii, then back, then back to Hawaii. In this time we were busy, and then we slowed down...

On the night Barrack Hussein Obama was elected I saw the world in a different light. I was waiting tables at dinner when it was announced that Obama would be the 44th president and I looked around. I saw some people crying tears of joy, some raising their hands in praise and others just applauding. There was another group that sat quiet in a look of disbelief and bewilderment. This is when I got a call from Miranda, hysterical as she tried to express her feelings of concerned. When I asked her what was wrong, she couldn't explain it and just wanted me home. As I was hurrying to check out with the bartender and call it a night, I noticed a middle-aged woman sitting by herself drinking a martini like it was her job. She finished it in a matter of minutes and looked at me with a face full of fear. She said she had just come from church where the congregation had been gathered in prayer for the election. She could tell I was uneasy myself and said to me "do you know what this means?" She continued to vent with her eyes wrapped in tears. When I got home, Miranda and I held each other as we wept. We didn't know why...

Today I do. Today I understand what Rage Against the Machine means when they say "line up to the mind cemetery" and "what we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin'". I know what Morpheus means when he says "you are slave born into a cell you cannot taste or smell or touch. A prison for your mind". I get what Green Day means when they talk about us living in "a land of make believe" and how they "dream to beg and differ from the hollow lies." I looked into what the masked man named V was talking about when he said "there were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense". Today I'm awake to the reality that I'm living in a world of sleepwalkers and a world that sucks.

Why am I taking the time to tell you all this when "I, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine- the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition"? I'm saying all this because I need your help.

Miranda would like to have a child. It's something she's always wanted and something I want us to have. However, I have some very serious drawbacks. I understand that our ultimate job on Earth is to serve the Lord, but also understand what a fantastic opportunity has been given to us in having America as a country's whose foundation is based on God to promote and sanctify human rights. Our Constitution and the principles it's based upon is being destroyed. Even those destroying it don't argue, saying it's not what it once was and no longer applies. This has been happening for quite some time. The people that raised me, taught me, fed me, brought me to Christ, and wanted what's best for me have neglected me, because they've neglected the freedoms my country represents. I want a kid but refuse to be another parent, teacher, adult, citizen, pastor, mentor, father, and caretaker who gets blamed for the fall of our Republic. I'm not comfortable with the idea of one day my son or daughter looking at me and saying "why didn't you do anything to stop this".

I read an article today by Pat Buchanan called "A Decade of Self-Delusion". In the article he presents facts showing how America has become dependent on other countries and how that's changed through the years. He ends the article saying "At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the question is not whether we will preside over the creation of a New World Order, but whether America's decline is irreversible." I have it posted on if you want to see it.

I don't want a New World Order or for America to decline, but if we don't do something about it our children will suffer. I want my wife to have the opportunity to be a mother but I'll be damned if I'm going to have a kid grow up in this nightmare called America. One day we're all going to face our maker, but we're also going to face the people we've brought into this world as adults and independent thinkers. I'm not going to have the guilt of my child born enslaved to a world I was too lazy, thoughtless, or busy to help when I could have.

Family, what should I do? I resent my parents for raising me in an unfit world accepting the way it is. I resent my grandparents for going through the motions of life without questioning whether or not war was just. I resent the previous generations of this country for not doing more to become educated on the evils of the world in an effort to make life better. Mom, Dad, Luke, Dean, why didn't you do more to stop Bush from unjustifiably engaging in war. Why didn't you go to D.C. when The Patriot Act was sneaking in to the law during the aftermath of 9/11, threatening to revolt if it were passed. It's your fault today, but it's my fault tomorrow. Why are we the spending hours of our day on pointless nonsense while we're paying to kill innocent middle eastern civilians. Why are we tolerating women kissing on television, Obama appointing a transgender woman to a Federal position, why are we not regulating our currency, not investigating and seeking justice for 9/11. Why are we supporting our troops and how are they protecting our freedoms when their employer is taking them away? Ryan, Chrissy, what will you tell your kids when they can't bring The Bible to school, when religious bumper stickers are banned, and their 2nd grade teachers are homosexuals? Dan, Allison, what will your children say when our food is rationed because we destroyed our farmland and we can't leave our house without being monitored? How will our kids feel proud of our country and have patriotism when half of the population is either employed by the government or on government welfare? What quality of life will they have if everyone needs searched to attend a high school basketball game and serve mandatory community service to keep their citizenship? How will any of us be able to compete and have a shot at democracy if we're taxed to breath?

I blame past generations for today's state and I have a right to do so. I want kids, but I don't want the blame, and I don't want to raise them in a world that accepts violence, ignorance, thoughtlessness, and enslavement. Looking for feedback and love you all.


A Decade of Self-Delusion

Just weeks after a meeting in Copenhagen with the planet's leaders about how to tax us for global warming, D.C. takes a break. While Obama's shreddin' waves in Waikiki and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi enjoys a lomi lomi massage at The Four Seasons on the Big Island of Hawaii, cold weather is threatening the lives of villages in Peru and killing people in India. When our "president" (in quotes since he is FACTUALLY not capable of being our president under the standard used in this country known as the Constitution of the United States) returns to a snow capped capitol, he decides to appoint Amanda Simpson to the Commerce Department of our Federal Government. Simpson is a transgender (shown misspelled on this site) and is a member of the National Center for Transgender Equality board of director's. Once appointed, this baby boy turned woman said "as one of the first transgender presidential appointees to the federal government, I hope that I will soon be one of hundreds, and that this appointment opens future opportunities for many others."

Then I see this well-written article by Pat Buchanan. I don't know Pat, and am not supporting him because I don't know anything about him. I do know that he's written a great article here BASED ON FACTS (something you don't see too often). I would just put the link, but too many links that I've found have disappeared so I'll copy and paste and put the link. The article is entitled "A Decade of Self-Delusion."

"About the first decade of what was to be the Second American Century, the pessimists have been proven right.

According to the International Monetary Fund, the United States began the century producing 32 percent of the world's gross domestic product. We ended the decade producing 24 percent. No nation in modern history, save for the late Soviet Union, has seen so precipitous a decline in relative power in a single decade.

The United States began the century with a budget surplus. We ended with a deficit of 10 percent of gross domestic product, which will be repeated in 2010. Where the economy was at full employment in 2000, 10 percent of the labor force is out of work today and another 7 percent is underemployed or has given up looking for a job. Between one-fourth and one-third of all U.S. manufacturing jobs have disappeared in 10 years, the fruits of a free-trade ideology that has proven anything but free for this country. Our future is being outsourced -- to China.

While the median income of American families was stagnant, the national debt doubled.

The dollar lost half its value against the euro. Once the most self-sufficient republic in history, which produced 96 percent of all it consumed, the U.S.A. is almost as dependent on foreign nations today for manufactured goods, and the loans to pay for them, as we were in the early years of the republic.

What the British were to us then, China is today.

Beijing holds the mortgage and grows impatient as we endlessly borrow on equity and refuse to begin paying it down. The possibility exists of an eventual run on the dollar or even a U.S. debt default.

Who did this to us? We did it to ourselves.

We sold ourselves a lot of snake oil about the Global Economy, interdependence, free trade and "it doesn't make any difference where goods are produced." The George W. Bush Republicans ran up the deficit with tax cuts, two wars and a splurge in social spending to rival the guns-and-butter of the Great Society.

Abandoning its role as the fellow who comes and takes away the punch bowl when the party's getting good, the Fed kept the money flowing fast and free, creating the tech bubble that burst in Y2K and the stock and housing bubble that burst at decade's end.

To pull us back from the cliff's edge, over which we were headed a year ago, the Fed doubled the money supply, while the administration ran up deficit spending to the highest level since World War II.

Unlike World War II, however, there is no end in sight to these deficits.

The stock market, which flat-lined over the decade, had to surge 50 percent in 2009 to retrieve the worst losses since the Depression.

Everyone, it seems, except for Washington bureaucrats and Wall Street, for whom the bonuses never seem to stop, has been hammered by the sinking home values and shrinking portfolios.

After Sept. 11, the nation was united behind a president as it had not been since Pearl Harbor. But instead of focusing on the enemies who did this to us, we took Osama bin Laden's bait and plunged into a war in Iraq that bled and divided us, alienated Europe and the Arab world, and destroyed the Republican Party's reputation as the reliable custodian of national security and foreign policy.

The party paid -- with the loss of both houses in 2006 and the presidency in 2008 -- but the nation has not stopped paying.

With nearly 200,000 troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and another 30,000 more on the way, al-Qaida is now in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and North Africa, while the huge U.S. military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq serves as its recruiting poster.

Again, it is not a malevolent fate that has done this to us. We did it to ourselves. We believed all that hubristic blather about our being the "greatest empire since Rome," the "indispensable nation" and "unipolar power" advancing to "benevolent global hegemony" in a series of "cakewalk" wars to "end tyranny in our world."

After a decade of self-delusion and self-indulgence, we must stop deceiving ourselves. As Hurricane Katrina demonstrated, the "can-do" nation that won World War II in Europe and the Pacific in less than four years, that put a man on the moon in the same decade JFK said we would, is history.

We have a government that cannot balance its books, defend its borders or win its wars. And what is it now doing? Drafting another entitlement program as we are informed that the Social Security and Medicare trust funds have unfunded liabilities in the trillions.

At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, the question is not whether we will preside over the creation of a New World Order, but whether America's decline is irreversible."

God bless America

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome To The Modern World

On 7:01 pm Hawaii Standard Time on 12/31/09, watching two women kiss on national TV as the ball was dropping to welcome in the new year and decade, I thought about this year and who we have to look up to. I see Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve under both Bush and Obama, receiving Time's person of the year award. I look to Tiger Woods voted as the 2009 athlete of the year and Serena Williams as female athlete of the year. These are the icons of our day.

As a new year begins, I continue to be reminded of why this country is the way it is and who is responsible. I remind myself that Obama and any other president will never bring our troops home. The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) has agreed to these "four consequences" for America.

  • we need to increase defense spending significantly if we are to carry out our global responsibilities today and modernize our armed forces for the future;
  • we need to strengthen our ties to democratic allies and to challenge regimes hostile to our interests and values;
  • we need to promote the cause of political and economic freedom abroad; [and]
  • we need to accept responsibility for America's unique role in preserving and extending an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles.
PNAC ended in 2006 only to reemerge as the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI) in 2009 who, according to their website is a non-partisan group promoting the following:

  • Continued U.S. engagement--diplomatic, economic, and military—in the world and rejection of policies that would lead us down the path to isolationism;
  • Robust support for America’s democratic allies and opposition to rogue regimes that threaten American interests;
  • The human rights of those oppressed by their governments, and U.S. leadership in working to spread political and economic freedom;
  • A strong military with the defense budget needed to ensure that America is ready to confront the threats of the 21st century;
  • International economic engagement as a key element of U.S. foreign policy in this time of great economic dislocation.
  • Working with all who share these objectives, irrespective of political party, so that the United States successfully confronts its challenges and make progress toward a freer and more secure future.

Continue US engagement...

God, please bless America, although I know we don't deserve.