Tuesday, March 30, 2010

To Those With Ears Who Will Listen

Policemen carrying M16s in NYC subway because of what happened in Moscow. I would never think of seeing that in the ole US. How much longer...


Christian militia accused of plotting to kill cops. "The charges against the eight include seditious conspiracy - plotting to levy war against the U.S. - possessing a firearm during a crime of violence, teaching the use of explosives, and attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction - homemade bombs. The defendants were jailed, awaiting bail hearings Wednesday."


Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” – Matthew 24:4-5 (NIV) - this verse was on dailybibleverse.com which I have as my homepage. It reminded me of Maitreya. I think we'll be hearing more of that name in the coming years. Since I learned of him a while back he's gained more popularity in the world of religion. This is a 5 min. video by share-international.org (the group supporting/sponsoring? the hoax) called "Who is Maitreya". Many Christians worldwide are apparently already following him and I think it's important to be informed. He's supposedly been performing healing miracles.


I don't really believe in coincidence.
It's even been said in the past that this health care bill isn't about health care, but about socialism. It's a money thing.
I propose this logo be our new health care symbol...the symbol for poison...it's the logo of Skull and Bones...at the bottom 322.
Pic of logo- http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/41/Bones_logo.jpg
The "Universal Health Care" bill passed on 3/21 in America, but by universal time it passed on 3/22.
Significance, possibly none. Is there significance that World Water Day, created by the UN in 1992 is annually observed on 3/22? No idea.
It's also possible that Austan Goolsbee, chief of Obama's "Economic Recovery Advisory Board" is a kindhearted Skull and Bones member looking out for the interest of the general public. But as history has shown, we probably shouldn't be so naive.
Austan Goolsbee- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austan_Goolsbee

After being banned from Alex Jones' forum after questioning the bloodline of Ron Paul, I found a new website. A great deal of it is conspiracy theory, a greater deal is most likely high school students with too much time on their hands and not a clue about anything, but some of what's shared on this site is good info.
This video was banned from YouTube after getting 1 million views and being the number one result on Google when searching "Nikola Tesla". It's a 10 minute documentary on the scientist ultimately responsible for theorizing HAARP. I didn't know this, but it makes sense. When Tesla came up with the theory of bouncing energy off the Ionosphere it was simply to transmit energy to common people. He's the one responsible for wireless phones and figured we should be able to transmit energy too, given the right technology of course. Well, as many experts have admitted, HAARP does just that; transmit energy. Just not the way Tesla had imagined it. Seeing the idea to transmit energy, a man named JP Morgan funded him until Morgan teamed up with J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI to raid his labs after Tesla died. The video also shows Thomas Edison in a different light than just what I was taught it school. Where was PETA back when Edison was electrocuting a horse?

"Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is there's. The future, for which I have really worked, is mine." - Last words of Nikola Tesla

Video Link- http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread555043/pg1

"I am said to be a revolutionist in my sympathies, by birth, by breeding and by principle. I am always on the side of the revolutionists, because there never was a revolution unless there were some oppressive and intolerable conditions against which to revolt." Mark Twain, good friend of Tesla