Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Vaccines are Mandatory While Scripture is Not Permitted
Health care workers in NY are being required to take the shot too. While their jobs depend on it, they're protesting.
Cheerleaders who have made banners for their football team displaying Bible verses are no longer permitted to display them. It was the superintendent's decision based on one complaint. While only one complained, many are standing up for the cheerleaders and the Bible. Freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
God bless America
CDC Isolation Order Draft
A wonderful (yet extremely plausible and frightening scenario) animation about if in the event of martial law. We are completely reliant on others for basic survival needs. That's a fact for 99% of America, including me and my wife. Until we change that, a back-up plan is essential. Again, brilliant, yet horrifying hypothetical animation.
God bless America
Friday, September 25, 2009
John 3:16- We Will Not Perish
This Sunday NYCcan.org is holding a march asking for answers about 9/11.
We are now reliant on Japan and China to buy our debt. Them failing to do so could result in "Armageddon".
God bless America
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Obama (Under Rockefeller) is Destroying America...and so few care :(
G20 protesters met in Pittsburgh. Police were there. Arrests were made. Media portrays the protesters as anarchists.
Obama supports unconstitutional indefinite detainment without trial.
It's happen
The sun is setting on America. He's rubbed it in our face the whole time. However, like many would argue, the consensus has spoken.
Also, read here about David Rockefeller's drug ring promoting the swine flu vaccine. Newly uncovered documents reveal the connections.
God bless America

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Not If, But When...
U.S. to push for new economic world order at G20
http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSTRE58G34Z20090921?sp=trueGod bless America
Monday, September 21, 2009
Verichip on the Rise
The questions about 9/11 are still being asked and seem to be gaining speed. The more Homeland Security attempts to cover it up, the guiltier they look. This is a video of Michael Chertoff (2nd Secretary of Homeland Security) taking random callers questions on C-Span. There were several questions (some about specific facts and some being more generic) about the 9/11 cover-up. Not only does Chertoff dismiss the questions, but groups those asking for an investigation as the same people who question Obama's birthplace, and those who deny the Holocaust ever occurred. Very low... The video from C-Span is shown here on YouTube.
And here...
Moxnews states on their website that the videos are being mysteriously deleted.
9/11 is a government cover-up.
Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii.
The Holocaust DID occur.
All three of these statements are true, backed by hundreds of facts. One of them is history. One of them is a violation of our Constitution. And one of them is a heinous crime of which justice has not been served.
We were told on 9/11/2001 that there was little if any doubt that Osama Bin Laden was responsible in orchestrating this attack. Check out FBI.gov. Their website states Bin Laden in wanted, yet does not list 9/11 as a reason. This is what the FBI says about him "Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world."
God bless America
Monday, September 14, 2009
So...Now What?
Now, it's time to wake up to reality. For you who are reading this, I ask you this question. If our government was responsible, in part or in full for the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, would you really want to know? What would that do to you? How would you feel? How would that change how you live your life? As I continue to review the facts surrounding this incident, I am astounded, yet not surprised at how many people believe our government's bullshit story of what occurred.
Why do I believe this? I look at the facts and use common sense.
Why do I feel so passionately about this subject? Because I care for the families and friends who lost loved ones on that day and believe they are entitled to justice and truth. Because I believe in American justice (that's what I've been taught). Because I believe that God wants us to know the truth.
I ask again, if our government was in fact responsible for that day, would you really want to know? If you answer yes, just research the facts. It's not hard to add it all up. If you answer no, I hold you responsible for being a part of the lie.
I could ask many questions about that day such as:
Why Bush was not immediately taken to a safe location.
Why WTC building 7 collapsed
Why WTC 1 and 2 were the first two steel building IN HISTORY to collapse from fire (building 7 being the third)
Why there is not a video of a plane hitting the Pentagon and...if there was a plane that slid into it (stated in the official report) why there was no marking on the Pentagon's lawn
Why nano-thermite particles were found at ground zero of the WTC
Why there were countless reports of explosions at the WTC
Why so many many of the alleged hijackers were found alive and well and none of them were listed on American's or Untied's guest list for the flights
Why there was not fuel found in the Pennsylvania field that United 93 supposedly crashed in
Why United 93 was reported to land in Cleveland for a supposed bomb threat (what the passengers were told)
Why molten steel was found over a month after the attack
Why the eyewitness accounts are so contradictory
Why the hole was impossibly small at the Pentagon
Why many other countries are questioning the attack in their own mainstream media
However...I understand that until people can open their hearts to accepting what they see, rather than what they want to see, there will never be an awakening.
I want change! I want freedom! That's what I've been taught me and my family (YOU) are entitled to. If I'm out of line, blame my parents, blame the churches and schools I've attended, and blame my God. I want the truth! Is that really too much to ask???
God bless America
Friday, September 11, 2009
What You Won't See On CNN
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." -David Rockefeller
God bless America
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Good and Bad
Department of Homeland Security is trying to up their defenses calling on the US Girl Scouts. They say it's "to combat hurricanes, pandemics, terror attacks and other disasters."
HR 1207 to audit the Federal Reserve making way as Ron Paul will get a house committee hearing.
God bless America
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
In starting this newsletter I had hoped to raise awareness of our current global state for the following reasons:
1) Do my part in waking people up to prepare for a revolution.
2) Encourage people to do what they feel necessary in preparing for the coming hardships.
3) Help people understand that nothing is by accident, our systems have been strategically designed, and that these systems are a big reason why we feel limited, unhappy, bored, disappointed, and insecure.
4) To get justice against the criminals that have enslaved this country, lied, taken innocent lives, and started unjust wars.
5) And most importantly. To reveal the true evil works of Satan working through men and women. For me and others, this makes the second coming of Christ much more of a reality, rather than a fictional story that we would never expect to actually see in our lifetime.
Whether or not I have raised any awareness is irrelevant. The truth is I never wanted to start writing this. I never wanted to spend a portion of every day reading through horrible news to pick out the information that would help raise awareness for the above reasons. In the first newsletter I wrote, “I am starting this in the name of God”. I believe that God wants us to see the truth. I also believe many people have been positively affected by this newsletter as they have shared this with me.
I have, over the course of more than 2 months, asked for more e-mail addresses and have received a few, but not many. This has been disappointing. I’m not sure of the reason and no longer care. Again, as I have said several times before, this isn’t about me.
I have come to a crossroads regarding this entire global situation. Due to the information I have seen and taken as fact I feel as though I have 2 choices.
1) Spend every waking minute of my life raising awareness and fighting the elitists who have hijacked this country in an effort to salvage the Republic. Or…
2) Accept defeat on this Earth with the understanding that God, myself, and others who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior will be victors when it counts, in eternity.
The past two days I have not written a newsletter. I have been debating, praying, reading the Bible and asking God what it is He would like me to do. I have been sad. I have been sad when I see those I love viewing life as a struggle, rather than a time to rejoice. I have been sad to the fact that so many good people see such evil and do nothing to fight it. I have been sad that so many people have bought into lies that have shaped the way they think, including me! I have been angry. I have been angry that so many people would choose to ignore God and what is right. I have been angry that our country, founded on The Bible and God, has turned their back on Him to elect a man with extremist views on abortion. I have been angry at a large group of people who support a president who says that this is not a Christian nation. I have been disappointed. I have been disappointed that intelligent human beings have been stripped of their common sense. I’ve been disappointed that we are no longer able to view things as they really are, and rather see them as how we’ve been programmed to.
So with all this, I’ve asked God, “What’s my role?” Having asked this question I now feel as though my part has been done. I believe that as of right now, continuing to send out information on how our political and financial systems are failing is pointless. I am convinced that
With all that said I have decided to choose option number 2, as I believe God wants me to do. I am choosing, at this time, to stop writing the newsletters and stop attempting to raise awareness. I feel as if the information, news articles, and videos I have sent to you are enough. I believe that continuing to write about anything is futile in accomplishing the 5 reasons for my writing this. My stance will be as follows, as I encourage everyone to please join me in doing the following.
1) Commit to dying for my freedom, if so required. If and when there is a new American or global revolution defending the Rights of Man, I will not hesitate fighting for that cause.
2) I will continue briefly informing myself daily on current events. I will be specifically looking for bills or info that would put me or my family in danger specifically. Collectively as a country, I feel as if we are already in danger.
3) Pray that God will give me peace in my daily life, allow me to focus on the positive things on Earth, and help me continue loving and caring about others as Jesus did while on Earth.
Again, this will be the final newsletter I send out. I may continue to post things on dailywakeup.blogspot.com as more of a way for me to keep track of what’s occurring. New things are happening so fast, so frequently, and a page to look back on could be useful. If you do receive an e-mail from me entitled in caps IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ, do just that. This will be information to help you, as individuals, protect yourself and your family. I cannot give an example of what it may be or why I would need to send something like that out.
The last link I will send you is here.
It is an article discussing the UN calling for a global currency.
I hope through the last several months I have been of service to God in doing what He’s asked me to do. For all the ones who have supported me through this difficult assignment, thank you. I pray my efforts have helped. For those who have been inspired to venture out and make their own impact in either showing others to Christ or helping to preserve the Republic, great job. Keep up the good work. As for me however, I no longer care to discuss the evil of this world. A health care reform does not matter to me when our government is hiring a company to make a vaccine that knowingly infected people with HIV. A $787 billion dollar robbery from me and other American taxpayers is irrelevant when billions are being spent for global imperialism under the title “war on terror”. The White House essentially bribing the art community to promote their agenda is quite insignificant if our “elected officials” had a hand in murdering 3,000 innocent New Yorkers to gain more power. Unemployment rising to nearly 10% is of no value if our dollar is becoming useless. Where BHO was born and whether or not he is eligible for his position is beside the point if he has been handpicked to serve as a puppet for the Bilderberg group. Realistically, what good does it do to complain or discuss how our freedoms are being taken when the majority of the country either doesn’t care, is too busy, or lacks the common sense to make a change.
In conclusion, I’m over it. My sights are set on God and Heaven. Satan can have this planet and physical realm as his temporary playground. I choose, as an individual, to live according to God with joy and celebration, despite the prevalent evil impossible to ignore.
God bless
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I Pledge to One Nation UNDER God! (Not the President's Servant)!!!
Be of service to Barrack, Obama
Go to USAservice.org and find a service project I am passionate about
Always find humor in EVERYTHING
Make sure that senior citizens have access to health care so that our next generations memories will not be forgotten
Advance stem-cell research
Ask our neighbors how we can be of service to them
Consume less and cultivate more so that we are on this planet, FOREVER"
These are a few of the things that Hollywood has pledged in a video consisting of various "celebrities".
Don't forget about the conference call between The White House and the entertainment industry, plotting how to use propaganda to persuade you to follow their agenda. (Read Art Community Whistleblower at Dailywakeup.blogspot.com. from 9/2/09)
"So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look out for not only ourselves but each other." -Barrack Hussein Obama
"I find capitalism repugnant. It is filthy, it is gross, it is alienating... because it causes war, hypocrisy and competition." -Fidel Castro
"How can we help President Obama?" -Fidel Castro
Pick your side. Either you support Obama and his socialist health care reform, or you are labeled, by the president and his team a "right-wing domestic terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders."
Now removed, this call to action was on BarrackObama.com. You can still see the page here.
Let's not forget what Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said about those known labeled "maybe a possible terrorist, you cannot buy a handgun in America. If you're on that no fly list, your access to the right to bear arms is canceled because you're not a part of the American family. You don't deserve that right. There is no right for you if you're on that terrorist list."
God bless America
Friday, September 4, 2009
9/11 Was an Inside Job
"London Times calls 9/11 truth movement and “crackpot birthers” racist and Nazi like
1) Both the London Times and
The reason I bring this up is due to what I saw last night on Glenn Beck. If you watch his program, you'll know he has been revealing some extremely controversial information about Van Jones, Obama's "Green Jobs Czar". Turns out that in 2004, Van Jones signed a petition calling for an investigation on 9/11. Van Jones has come out today and said that he didn't understand the petition and apologizes for whoever may be offended. He continued saying he doesn't and never did think 9/11 was an inside job. On his show, Beck has also has asked many questions that other newscasters have never asked. You can see his clip from last night's program here.
This is what Bush said about "conspiracy theories" following 9/11.
"Malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves."
Here's my question. For me to question what I was told about 9/11 by our government, what do I gain? For thousands of people who have signed petitions begging for an investigation on old and new evidence SCIENTIFICALLY PROVING there were explosives used at the WTC, what is gained? Why would American people attempt to make malicious lies in an attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves? Why would people go through the frustrations and ridicule for being labeled a "conspiracy theorist" only to gain nothing? Why?
Now I ask another question. Why in the world would our government kill nearly 3,000 of it's own people? I don't know. I do know what happened as a result of this. The Patriot Act which gives our government powers like never before, and deploying more troops to the Middle East. The so called "9/11 truthers" get no more than persecution for asking legitimate questions.
Yes, I believe our government had some level of involvement in 9/11.
Yes, I believe our government has made efforts in hiding what really occurred.
I am not a friend of Al Queda.
I am not an enemy of the US.
I have nothing to gain by believing these things and have no reason for shifting the blame away from the terrorists. I simply believe (as most Americans do) that we were not told the real story of what occurred. Why? Are we not entitled to that?
"On Monday, August 10, NYC CAN began a comprehensive review of the nearly 26,000 signatures invalidated by the New York City Board of Elections and City Clerk. With 26,003 signatures accepted as valid by the City, at least 3,997 additional signatures were needed to exceed the threshold of 30,000 signatures. 10 days, 50 volunteers and 1,000 man-hours later, we are thrilled to report we have so far discovered 6,924 signatures we will argue were wrongly invalidated. " from nyccan.org
NYCCAN.org is fighting hard to get permission to have an investigation free from government. They are, needless to say, having a hard time doing this, despite nearly 80,000 NYC residents who just want the truth. Again, I'll bet you would be a little more interested in this if you had someone lose their life to "terrorists".
God bless America
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Health Care Tensions Rise
The title of the article says it all. Health care activist bites off the finger of a counter-demonstrator, authorities say.
God bless America
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Art Community Whistleblower
God bless America
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Obama to Address Students 9/8/09
"When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "You child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community." - Adolf Hitler
For the recipients of this who home school, and have home schooled throughout your children's lives, I commend you more than words can say. You should be extremely proud, as I believe you are.
The next generation will decide the fate of this nation, and it's extremely important to know what our kids are being taught.
God bless America