Friday, September 4, 2009

9/11 Was an Inside Job

This was from my newsletter on 8/5/09
"London Times calls 9/11 truth movement and “crackpot birthers” racist and Nazi like

A couple things to know when reading this article:

1) Both the London Times and America’s Fox News Channel are both owned by Rupert Murdoch. Keep this article in mind the next time you watch Fox.

2) As of 2004, in a CNN online poll, 89% of those who voted believe there is a U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11. This was shown on Anderson Cooper on November 10, 2004. After searching Anderson Cooper and CNN’s website, I could find no record of this report. Here is a snapshot from the poll displayed on The link underneath the poll shows up as not found in CNN’s online database."

The reason I bring this up is due to what I saw last night on Glenn Beck. If you watch his program, you'll know he has been revealing some extremely controversial information about Van Jones, Obama's "Green Jobs Czar". Turns out that in 2004, Van Jones signed a petition calling for an investigation on 9/11. Van Jones has come out today and said that he didn't understand the petition and apologizes for whoever may be offended. He continued saying he doesn't and never did think 9/11 was an inside job. On his show, Beck has also has asked many questions that other newscasters have never asked. You can see his clip from last night's program here.

This is what Bush said about "conspiracy theories" following 9/11.

"Malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves."
Here's my question. For me to question what I was told about 9/11 by our government, what do I gain? For thousands of people who have signed petitions begging for an investigation on old and new evidence SCIENTIFICALLY PROVING there were explosives used at the WTC, what is gained? Why would American people attempt to make malicious lies in an attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves? Why would people go through the frustrations and ridicule for being labeled a "conspiracy theorist" only to gain nothing? Why?

Now I ask another question. Why in the world would our government kill nearly 3,000 of it's own people? I don't know. I do know what happened as a result of this. The Patriot Act which gives our government powers like never before, and deploying more troops to the Middle East. The so called "9/11 truthers" get no more than persecution for asking legitimate questions.

Yes, I believe our government had some level of involvement in 9/11.
Yes, I believe our government has made efforts in hiding what really occurred.
I am not a friend of Al Queda.
I am not an enemy of the US.
I have nothing to gain by believing these things and have no reason for shifting the blame away from the terrorists. I simply believe (as most Americans do) that we were not told the real story of what occurred. Why? Are we not entitled to that?

"On Monday, August 10, NYC CAN began a comprehensive review of the nearly 26,000 signatures invalidated by the New York City Board of Elections and City Clerk. With 26,003 signatures accepted as valid by the City, at least 3,997 additional signatures were needed to exceed the threshold of 30,000 signatures. 10 days, 50 volunteers and 1,000 man-hours later, we are thrilled to report we have so far discovered 6,924 signatures we will argue were wrongly invalidated. " from is fighting hard to get permission to have an investigation free from government. They are, needless to say, having a hard time doing this, despite nearly 80,000 NYC residents who just want the truth. Again, I'll bet you would be a little more interested in this if you had someone lose their life to "terrorists".

God bless America


  1. What proof of explosives are there? there is no proof of that. on Monday National Geographic aired a 2 hour show that actually took every theory the "truthers" have about 9/11 and proved that none are relevant. Even a demolition crew stated that not only would it take months, maybe even a year, to secure explosives inside the buildings (thats 6 months to a year on each building) it would also be impossible for no one to have noticed what was going on. Also they did an experiment that proves that engine fuel can cause steel to bend and collapse like what happened in the towers.

    Also, i'd like to know your stance on the war then... because if you believe the Government could possibly have been involved in 9/11 then in turn wouldnt you have to be opposed to the war since it happened on false pretenses? Which has already been proved with the lie about WMDs. but ANYWAY....

    The only one theory that is possibly true is that the government new about the possibility of an attack prior to 9/11 and didn't do anything. But even I, who is opposed to the war and questions almost everything about what the Bush Administration did does not believe that the government actually had their hands involved in what happened on 9/11.

    Also... Glenn Beck?! REALLY?! The guy is the biggest joke to journalism out there. He is completely off his rocker, he doesn't listen to anyone else's views and opinions other than his own, he is simply on Fox not because he makes any sense but because of entertainment purposes. His radio station consists of him screaming and breaking down over the air while not letting anyone other than right-winged conservatives give their opinions and anyone else will be told to "get off my phone!" or other ridiculous rants (i believe he told a viewer he would "vaporize them" hahahaha wow... nice!). I listen to talk radio all the time but i actually feel less intelligent when I listen to Beck and would rather claw my eyes out than finish the program. He is such a spaz that advertisers are pulling from his program left and right. Wal-Mart, Best Buy, P&G, Geico, Progressive, and other big corporations have pulled their ads from his time slot and instead he has to have male enhancement pill commercials to occupy his time. What other journalist has had that happen? Even Bill O'Reilly and Hannity have kept their advertisers and they're about as controversial as Beck... however, even I can give credit to where credits due... O'Reilly, Hannity, Greta Van Sustern all have different views than my own but at least they are semi credible and allow others to speak. Beck is a disgrace to journalism and should be removed from television OR moved to a channel such as HBO like Bill Maher was, he's is on TV for entertainment purposes and for fox to actually give him a time slot is poor marketing on their part. I hope they have fun dishing out the money to continue running his program because I highly doubt the water filter company running their ads on his show are paying as much as P&G was.

    I say stick to CNN, MSNBC, C-Span, and the regular good ol' national newspapers. and if you HAVE to watch Fox news then... i guess...the 15 minutes in the middle of O'Reily where he actually has panel discussions will suffice.


  2. The form of explosives used are called nano-thermites. It was recently discovered by Denmark scientist Neils Harrit. I encourage you to watch the local news segment with Harrit. I also encourage you to research a little more about nano-thermite. As far as the war goes, I am opposed. As far as Glenn Beck and him actual have something in common. You both confess to believe that so called "9/11 truthers" are off based. You would have known this had you watched the clip. I also encourage you to to understand what the military industrial complex is. I also am curious as to your stance on the 44 czars Obama has appointed, several of which are either proclaimed communists, racists, or eugenicists. Please understand, I have to take everything you say with a grain of salt seeing as how you are a proclaimed socialist, clearly going against our Constitution. I'd also love to see NatGeo, or anyone else try to logically explain WTC #7. I guess I'm mainly curious about the topics you don't respond to.

    P.S. National Geographic is essentially owned by Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News. Again, Glenn Beck, the crazy man you believe him to be, and the lunatic that TV portrays him to be thinks me, in addition to the majority of the country who question 9/11 are wackos. While on the subject of ownership, your beloved CNN has ties to the Royal Saudi family, who everyone knows to have their own agenda. Keep that in mind next time you watch Anderson Cooper. Follow the money, Sabrina. It's not that hard to see who's saying what and what they could have to gain.
