Monday, August 31, 2009

The Neverending "War on Terror"

They said the "War on Terrorism" was over. Even they can't keep track of what they've said.

God bless America

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Keep Your Fingers Crossed

Two bills, two threats, two possibilities.

1) Drafted by JAY ROCKEFELLER- This would give the president the power to temporarily shut down the internet. At least Jay's being consistent. After all, he did say that the internet was our nation's greatest threat and that he sometimes wishes it were never invented. The bill states the "off switch" could be used in the event of a cybersecurity emergency.

2) Passed in the Senate, will be voted on by the house in Mass.- If you're a skeptic like me, you may wish to read the actual wording of the "Pandemic Response Bill"...It's unbelievable. Some of what it contains are as follows. Again, read the bill itself, don't take it from me.

The Bill

Illegal Search and Seizure
Illegal Arrest Without Warrant
Government Price Controls
"Involuntary Transportation" AKA Kidnapping
$1000 per day fines
FORCED VACCINATIONS and forced quarantine for those who refuse

Please read this and pray this is not passed in Mass. or anywhere else!

God bless America

Monday, August 17, 2009

Headed for Hyperinflation

I’m not an economist. Milton Friedman is. He said at one point, “Inflation is the one form of taxation that can be imposed without legislation.”

While I may have never taken a college economics course, I do understand the concept of supply and demand. Again, I am no economist, but in looking at what is called “the housing crisis” I ask, how could the market have done anything other than collapse? Of course hindsight is always 20/20, but when comparing the laws of economics to what has occurred in the last 5 years…

Some people warned that the housing bubble was going to burst, changing the charts forever. These people were obviously ignored. One person I would think should have foreseen this inevitable outcome would be Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Unfortunately, he either sincerely thought everything was going to be alright while couples with horrible credit and little money went around buying houses with no money down, or he lied. Either he is extremely under qualified for his position, or there is some conspiracy surrounding the housing crisis. Supply and demand is pretty basic stuff I think. What do you think?

There is something else that has been taking place in this country for quite some time…inflation. It again is directly linked to supply and demand. To those who think the recession’s over and everything’s getting back to “normal” I ask, what’s the basis? What has occurred to make those people believe we are somehow recovering? Is it the stock market rising a couple thousand points since it was cut in half? Is it the newspapers, magazines, or internet? Based on what I’ve recently seen, foreclosures are still rising, more banks may be shut down, our government continues spending money, unemployment is still rising, and the majority of Americans have no clue what is going on with the $787 billion spent to get us out of this “recession”.

How did our leaders come up with $787 billion as the final number to “reinvest” in our economy? Forbes brought up that question getting this response by a Treasury spokeswoman; “It’s not based on any particular data point, we just wanted to choose a really large number.”

That’s pretty bad. However I think what’s worse is what took place shortly after that. While people were angry over AIG execs getting big bonuses, which were later illegally overtaxed, our Federal Reserve printed $1 trillion dollars. What will this lead to?…hyperinflation. Hyperinflation is created when a really large amount of money is thrown into our economy without being supported by the growth of goods and services. This is what George W. Bush did and what Barrack H. Obama has expansively continued.

What is the answer? I don’t know, again, I’m the college dropout. I do know that education is critical and that education comes in many different forms.

I will not be sending or posting anything for about 2 weeks. In this time, I strongly encourage you to watch Hyperinflation Nation. It is a 30 minute video broken up into three segments.

My prayer is that through exposing what I believe to be the truth, I may help others prepare how they see fit for coming days.

God bless America

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I Wish

The founders of this country warned us about what would happen if we stopped following God’s law. America is falling.

I wish my teachers would have taught me more about what has happened in the world, without putting such emphasis on dates and names.
I wish I had not wasted 12 years of my life being taught things I could have learned in 5.
I wish I was proud to be an American.
I wish I could decide where my money went.
I wish I wasn’t in the minority, when I merely want to follow the rules this country was based on.
I wish I could believe our government was not involved in 9/11.
I wish I trusted our government, and believed they were by the people and for the people.
I wish my wife and I could feel comfortable raising a child in the USA.
I wish more people exercised common sense.
I wish people answered with hobbies instead of job titles when asked “what do you do?”
I wish I believed our president was eligible for his position.
I wish 40 million babies had never been killed since Roe v. Wade in 1973.
I wish “pro-choice” could be called what it really is -- genocide.
I wish Hitler had never been given the power to mutilate, torment and kill 6 million Jews.
I wish Prescott Bush (Grandfather of George W. Bush) had not contributed to funding members of the Nazi party.
I wish Thanksgiving was about thanking Jesus instead of football and turkey.
I wish more parents gave their children lessons and hugs instead of junk food and toys.
I wish I could drive down the street without being bombarded with advertisements.
I wish people spent 10% of the time they watch TV seeing and appreciating nature.
I wish Ritalin, Zoloft, and other medications in their class were never made.
I wish homosexuality was still considered a mental disorder, as it was prior to 1973, so we could help homosexuals get to the core of their illness.
I wish European Americans had united with the Native American Indians, left Hawaii a sovereign land, and not enslaved members of African tribes.
I wish we regulated our own currency in the USA.
I wish our school systems catered to their student’s aptitudes, rather than implementing “No Child Left Behind.”
I wish people had more time to enjoy life.
I wish people would choose to be happy, rather than complain naturally.
I wish we didn’t have an obelisk in our nation’s front yard.
I wish more people were on the winning side of the battle between God and Satan.

God Bless America

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Vaccination Deaths Kept Secret

Don’t get the shot

God bless America

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hate Group: Obamacare Protesters!?

Obamacare protesters are now being labeled as a “hate group” by ABC News. There is growing concern about assassination attempts on Obama.

"I don't think these are simply people who are mentally ill or off their rocker," Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, told ABC News of those behind the threats. "In a very real sense they represent a genuine reaction, a genuine backlash against Obama."
"I think the president has, in effect, triggered fears amongst fairly large numbers of white people in this country that they are somehow losing their country, that the battle is lost," Potok told ABC News. "The nation that their Christian white forefathers created has somehow been taken from them."

I can assure you, while our beloved media may try to present this health care issue as racially motivated, it is not. The reason people are threatening to kill BHO, the reason they feel their country has been taken from them and the reason so many people are voicing their concerns is because of the actions. While some folks may simply protest Obama himself, the majority simply don’t want to “remake America.” These people are looking past the TALK and viewing the ACTIONS taking place. I can honestly say I’ve never heard an Obama supporter say they like things he’s DONE, and NOT SAID. Truthfully, the ones I’ve asked cannot name one thing he’s done at all. The people who do support his actions have admitted they believe in some form of socialism.

The fact that Obama’s father was African plays no part in my stance. I do fear that we the people are losing our country for these reasons:
1. redistribution of wealth
2. socialized health care system
3. Obama denying this is a Christian Nation (even my public school history book said that)
4. We have no clue who’s running our country. Who is Barrack Hussein Obama?
5. a corrupt monetary system ending in global destruction
6. an uninformed majority
7. a calling for a civilian national defense
8. separation of government and God (not to be confused with church and state)
9. bills going through our judicial system that, if passed, will lead to:

a. more Federal Government
b. higher taxes
c. stricter gun laws
d. GIVE act (requiring mandatory community service)
e. more abortions

If these concerns make me racist, enter me into a “hate group”, or make me a conspiracy theorist, oh well. I pity the fool who thinks that of me or any other American with these same concerns. They either have an agenda, or need help tying their shoes every morning. America will not die without a fight.

One piece of good news! is back up for those who want to learn what they can about our alleged 44th president.

God Bless America

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Vaccine Riots?

First the good. The American public may not have been concerned about indebting their children with a $787 billion dollar bill which was never read, they are however concerned with their own health. They are concerned and voicing these concerns. They recently yelled so loud it overloaded our government’s server!

Forgotten about the Swine Flu? Our National Guard hasn’t, as they are preparing for riots over swine H1N1 vaccinations. They’re saying it’s in case people rush to get it.

God bless America

Monday, August 10, 2009

Reps and Media Are Against Us

Constituent- “A person who authorizes another to act in his or her behalf, as a voter in a district represented by an elected official.”

As Americans that’s what we are. But what should we do when we are no longer being represented? Should we lie down and surrender, or should we do what our Founding Fathers did in 1776? It’s up to us to decide.

NH Senator Refuses to Meet With Constituents

What do we do when our media calls those with opposing views racist?
Chris Matthews of MSNBC: Let’s inject Obamacare opponents with sodium pentathol, and see how many of them admit to being racist.

The shorter video clip
The longer clip

How long are good hearted, God fearing, Constitution believing people with common sense going to be persecuted before we put our foot down?

God bless America

Sunday, August 9, 2009

North American Union?

Could this be the start of a North American Union?

This is what Obama says about NAFTA and the North America….what was it?

His actions contradict his lies. “The old boss is starting to look a lot like the new boss” Lou Dobbs

See what our government says about what they are calling the “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America”.

Changing the subject, a couple of weeks ago I sent you a link that was keeping track of Obama’s actions. It’s been shut down.

You can read about it here.

God bless America

Saturday, August 8, 2009

We're Not Entitled to Health Care!

Natural selection is just that…natural. But when legislation comes into existence which makes it unnatural, people get kind of upset. Sarah Palin is one of the folks who’ve gotten pretty upset, calling Obama’s health care system “evil” and one that would create a “death panel”. While it may sound harsh, health care is not in our Constitution, not in the Bill of Rights, nor has it ever been viewed in America as something people are entitled to. YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO HEALTH CARE!!! Medicine, doctors, nurses, and hospitals all cost money. If you don’t do your part in making money to pay for what you want or need, work harder or ask a friend or family member to help you out…not taxpayers!

Being completely serious, if you disagree with me, you are entitled to your position. However, use common sense. How in the world could private health care compete with federally funded health care? Not only is it not possible, but Hawaii’s already tried it. Our governor, Linda Lingle, introduced what at the time seemed like a wonderful thing…Keiki (meaning children in Hawaiian) Care. The budget could nowhere near cover the demand of the program and was ended within a year. There were tons of parents who had private health care and jumped on the “free” health care very quickly. The plan had only budgeted to cover the uninsured, not foreseeing that people don’t like paying for things they don’t have to; or I should say already are paying for.

If you think this is misinformation just report me and Palin to Big Brother at That’s what our “elected officials” are asking for. Check it out.

God bless America

Friday, August 7, 2009

Our Nation Divided Over Health Care

All of these links are about the debate over health care reform. These debates are starting to turn violent. In a nation this divided, I can only foresee one outcome.

Obama feeding the fire by continuing to blame “the folks who created the mess” for all of our problems

Which side of the line will you stand on?

God bless America

Thursday, August 6, 2009

In-Home Surveillance in UK

UK Seeks In-Home Surveillance of Worst Families
You could be in trouble for not feeding your children proper meals and getting them in bed at a good time.

Ron Paul says government is a failure. See what he says about health care, auditing the FED, false optimism on the economy, talks about mandatory swine flu vaccinations, and more here.

Think I’m breaking the law, a threat to the “American family”, making threats, being intimidating, or vandalizing? Just report me “For a Safer America”.
Do you know the last time I recall seeing this kind of program in place? Nazi Germany.

Fox News and London Times owner Rupert Murdoch says he will start charging for all online content.

God bless America

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Divided We Fall

YouTube Pulls Hundreds of Ron Paul Videos (6400 videos total)

London Times calls 9/11 truth movement and “crackpot birthers” racist and Nazi like

A couple things to know when reading this article:

1) Both the London Times and America’s Fox News Channel are both owned by Rupert Murdoch. Keep this article in mind the next time you watch Fox.

2) As of 2004, in a CNN online poll, 89% of those who voted believe there is a U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11. This was shown on Anderson Cooper on November 10, 2004. After searching Anderson Cooper and CNN’s website, I could find no record of this report. Here is a snapshot from the poll displayed on The link underneath the poll shows up as not found in CNN’s online database.

3) In 2006 there was a SCIENTIFIC POLL showing that 84% of Americans reject the “official 9/11 story.”

Source: The New York Times/ CBS News

And lastly, here is a 2 minute video comparing WTC building number 7 with its small fires that apparently led to its collapse, next to a steel constructed hotel that withstood engulfing fires. If fires were responsible for weakening WTC’s buildings 1, 2, and 7 to the point of collapse they would be the only steel constructed buildings to ever collapse from a fire. Some professional demolitions don’t even go this well when it comes to falling straight down.

If questioning 9/11 makes me crazy, send me to the asylum with the majority of America. And now questioning where Obama was born makes me a racist!?… It just doesn’t make sense and is not journalism. If based on the facts, we (the American people) are given reason to doubt, then how is it right or accurate for the media to portray us like we’re nuts? Divided we fall. Call me any name in the book; I will not stop asking the questions.

God bless America

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Fate of American Sovereignty

What was discussed at London’s G20 Summit will end American’s sovereignty, if we let it.

“The conspiracy theorists were right!” Sean Hannity and Dick Morris of Fox News

“A new world order is emerging.” Gordon Brown (Prime Minister of the UK) at the London meeting

International regulation and global currency, here we come!

God bless America

Monday, August 3, 2009

Why So Serious?

In the pictures and video posted on this article there are two displays of vandalism. One of them is graffiti. It may or may not have a meaning but few, if anyone knows what it means. Regardless of what it means, it is extremely unsightly. I would say that most people would agree.

The other form of vandalism is one that may upset the Democratic Party and Obama supporters. The GOP may find it funny or amusing. I find it startling, and I’ll explain why. These articles and video are discussing how in both Los Angeles and Atlanta posters of Obama’s face are showing up in public places. His face is presented to appear like that of Heath Ledger’s character, The Joker, from the movie The Dark Knight. At the bottom of the poster says “socialism”. This very well could be merely a prank, and the person making and distributing the poster sees it as a joke and nothing more. I however take it a little seriously. One might ask, “Why so serious?” If you’ve seen the movie The Dark Knight, the character of The Joker is a psychotic sociopath who finds pleasure in nothing other than causing terror and murdering. He commits his crimes with a permanent smile painted on his face, as shown on the poster of Obama.,0,3909214.story

Video of the a site-

Maybe you are a fan of Socialism. Maybe you think Obama’s the best President we’ve ever had. Maybe you do want complete reform of the USA. However, there are people who do not. I would argue that the same people performing acts of vandalism comparing the 44th president to a serial killing madman will not go down quietly. Heed my warning as it’s clear we’re heading to socialism (Redistribution of wealth, universal health care, company buyouts/bailouts): there are a lot of people in this country who believe in the United States as a republic. There are a lot of people who have lost friends and relatives in war. There are a lot of people who consider themselves patriots and will fight to preserve its values. And most serious, there are a lot of people who see what Obama and company are doing and are very angry. The same people who display this poster in public will be the same people who die fighting for their beliefs. This country is coming to a cross roads. If you don’t believe any of the information I have shared with you is credible, relevant, necessary or useful, ignore it. But, have faith in God and protect yourself and your family. Infringement of our 2nd amendment is a real concern, as there is legislation in the works backing this fact. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Pray for the best, expect the best, plan for the best, and prepare for the worst. Buy it, store it, forget about it, and pray you never have to use it. It’s better safe than sorry.

It’s not that I am a pessimistic doomsday fanatic although it may seem that way. Most people who know me would actually say I’m a pretty positive guy. But, you have to prepare. Unless you have a well, grow your own crops and never eat meat, we are all completely reliant on other people for basic survival needs. Just keep that in mind if you decide to blow this off.

God bless America

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Kenyan Birth Certificate!?

"Everybody understands that we cannot have our financial system go back to the practices that brought this economy to the brink of collapse," he told me. "It is going to take fundamental reform." –Tim Geithner (Bilderberger, CFR member, former President of the Federal Reserve bank in New York, and current US Treasury Secretary)

In an article entitled “Geithner Won’t Rule Out New Taxes for Middle Class,” Geithner admits the administration will do whatever is necessary to get our economy back on track. Anything except let the markets take care of themselves.

Changing the subject, Orly Taitz (the lawyer causing all this fuss about Obama’s birth certificate) just won’t stop. What a nuisance…wanting to defend our Constitution. SHE HAS OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE FROM KENYA. She is in the process of getting it verified by Kenyan officials. You can read about this, and see the other documents Obama has kept private for one reason or another. But again I ask, if he is legit, what does he gain by keeping this documentation away from the public eye?

Back to the economy. If you have a mortgage out on your house and you stop paying it, what happens? Eventually the bank will take it back. Now let’s pretend you get in debt by dining out too often. When the credit card company wants its money, and you can’t pay or give anything to pay the debt back, what happens? They cut off your credit. Right now we owe 11.7 Trillion dollars and climbing. There will be fundamental reform. It will be up to the American public to decide what that reform will be. If nothing is done to regulate our own currency as a nation, this debt will never go away and our children will forever be enslaved by it.

The direction our nation is heading will leave no one will the opportunity of earning more. The concept of working harder to have more will be a thing of the past. Our leaders, in addition to their supporters, have misunderstood that equal rights warrants for equal opportunities, NOT EQUAL RESULTS. Kobe Bryant deserves to be paid more than “Benchwarmer Billy”. Why? Because he’s a better basketball player. Salaries for professional athletes are not what I’m defending or even discussing. Benchwarmer Billy could try harder, train better, and practice longer but his results will be different than those of Kobe Bryant. How dare our Federal Government try to tell anybody how far they can go financially or in any other area of life! While a lot of people benefited from, supported, and were big fans of Robin Hood, his practice of taking what didn’t belong to him was still breaking the law.

This is America, land of the free who said no to taxation without representation. Men died saying “no” to the King of England, you will not tell us what to do. God is the only one with the authority to make the rules. Only His rules are flawless. Only His rules are firm and cannot be manipulated and bent to satisfy worldly desires like power and money. This is America, where we stand for a republic rather than the abomination that’s been ruling this land since before I was born.

When this country was founded, its leaders wrote the Constitution wanting AS LITTLE GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT ANARCHY. Today that scale has shifted to the complete opposite where we are so close to total and absolute tyranny it would make Jefferson turn in his grave. Our country’s founders would be ashamed at the degradation our society has accepted. I want freedom! I want to follow God’s Law and no one else’s! I want the rights given to me by none other than Him! Yet the people have spoken. Be careful what you wish for America. They wanted change and they’re going to get it for all of us.

“We will change America and we will change the world!” - B. Hussein Obama after every Presidential campaign speech

God bless America

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Miranda and I recently completed a course on hunter education. This is a requirement to obtain a permit to acquire a handgun in the state of Hawaii. A portion of the class discussed surviving in an emergency situation. They used the acronym STOP to help in the event of an emergency. It stands for the following:

Stop (or sit down)
Think about how you got there
Observe your environment and state of being

I believe this can also be used in day to day life as a wonderful way of helping us in making a better tomorrow. I encourage you today to stop what you’re doing and think for just a moment. Think about your past. Think about how you got to where you are today. The efforts you’ve put forward. The things you’ve achieved and the knowledge you’ve gained. Now ask yourself how you feel about your possessions, residence, jobs, pastimes, and environment. By doing these things you can work toward a better tomorrow like you would work toward surviving the wilderness.

Luke 17:25-27 (New International Version)

24For the Son of Man in his day[a] will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. 25But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.
26"Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.

Psalm 68:3 (New International Version)

3 But may the righteous be glad
and rejoice before God;
may they be happy and joyful.

Psalm 46:9-10 (New International Version)

9 He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth;
he breaks the bow and shatters the spear,
he burns the shields [a] with fire.
10 "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."

God bless America