Sunday, August 16, 2009

I Wish

The founders of this country warned us about what would happen if we stopped following God’s law. America is falling.

I wish my teachers would have taught me more about what has happened in the world, without putting such emphasis on dates and names.
I wish I had not wasted 12 years of my life being taught things I could have learned in 5.
I wish I was proud to be an American.
I wish I could decide where my money went.
I wish I wasn’t in the minority, when I merely want to follow the rules this country was based on.
I wish I could believe our government was not involved in 9/11.
I wish I trusted our government, and believed they were by the people and for the people.
I wish my wife and I could feel comfortable raising a child in the USA.
I wish more people exercised common sense.
I wish people answered with hobbies instead of job titles when asked “what do you do?”
I wish I believed our president was eligible for his position.
I wish 40 million babies had never been killed since Roe v. Wade in 1973.
I wish “pro-choice” could be called what it really is -- genocide.
I wish Hitler had never been given the power to mutilate, torment and kill 6 million Jews.
I wish Prescott Bush (Grandfather of George W. Bush) had not contributed to funding members of the Nazi party.
I wish Thanksgiving was about thanking Jesus instead of football and turkey.
I wish more parents gave their children lessons and hugs instead of junk food and toys.
I wish I could drive down the street without being bombarded with advertisements.
I wish people spent 10% of the time they watch TV seeing and appreciating nature.
I wish Ritalin, Zoloft, and other medications in their class were never made.
I wish homosexuality was still considered a mental disorder, as it was prior to 1973, so we could help homosexuals get to the core of their illness.
I wish European Americans had united with the Native American Indians, left Hawaii a sovereign land, and not enslaved members of African tribes.
I wish we regulated our own currency in the USA.
I wish our school systems catered to their student’s aptitudes, rather than implementing “No Child Left Behind.”
I wish people had more time to enjoy life.
I wish people would choose to be happy, rather than complain naturally.
I wish we didn’t have an obelisk in our nation’s front yard.
I wish more people were on the winning side of the battle between God and Satan.

God Bless America

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