Friday, August 14, 2009

Hate Group: Obamacare Protesters!?

Obamacare protesters are now being labeled as a “hate group” by ABC News. There is growing concern about assassination attempts on Obama.

"I don't think these are simply people who are mentally ill or off their rocker," Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, told ABC News of those behind the threats. "In a very real sense they represent a genuine reaction, a genuine backlash against Obama."
"I think the president has, in effect, triggered fears amongst fairly large numbers of white people in this country that they are somehow losing their country, that the battle is lost," Potok told ABC News. "The nation that their Christian white forefathers created has somehow been taken from them."

I can assure you, while our beloved media may try to present this health care issue as racially motivated, it is not. The reason people are threatening to kill BHO, the reason they feel their country has been taken from them and the reason so many people are voicing their concerns is because of the actions. While some folks may simply protest Obama himself, the majority simply don’t want to “remake America.” These people are looking past the TALK and viewing the ACTIONS taking place. I can honestly say I’ve never heard an Obama supporter say they like things he’s DONE, and NOT SAID. Truthfully, the ones I’ve asked cannot name one thing he’s done at all. The people who do support his actions have admitted they believe in some form of socialism.

The fact that Obama’s father was African plays no part in my stance. I do fear that we the people are losing our country for these reasons:
1. redistribution of wealth
2. socialized health care system
3. Obama denying this is a Christian Nation (even my public school history book said that)
4. We have no clue who’s running our country. Who is Barrack Hussein Obama?
5. a corrupt monetary system ending in global destruction
6. an uninformed majority
7. a calling for a civilian national defense
8. separation of government and God (not to be confused with church and state)
9. bills going through our judicial system that, if passed, will lead to:

a. more Federal Government
b. higher taxes
c. stricter gun laws
d. GIVE act (requiring mandatory community service)
e. more abortions

If these concerns make me racist, enter me into a “hate group”, or make me a conspiracy theorist, oh well. I pity the fool who thinks that of me or any other American with these same concerns. They either have an agenda, or need help tying their shoes every morning. America will not die without a fight.

One piece of good news! is back up for those who want to learn what they can about our alleged 44th president.

God Bless America

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