Sunday, August 2, 2009

Kenyan Birth Certificate!?

"Everybody understands that we cannot have our financial system go back to the practices that brought this economy to the brink of collapse," he told me. "It is going to take fundamental reform." –Tim Geithner (Bilderberger, CFR member, former President of the Federal Reserve bank in New York, and current US Treasury Secretary)

In an article entitled “Geithner Won’t Rule Out New Taxes for Middle Class,” Geithner admits the administration will do whatever is necessary to get our economy back on track. Anything except let the markets take care of themselves.

Changing the subject, Orly Taitz (the lawyer causing all this fuss about Obama’s birth certificate) just won’t stop. What a nuisance…wanting to defend our Constitution. SHE HAS OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE FROM KENYA. She is in the process of getting it verified by Kenyan officials. You can read about this, and see the other documents Obama has kept private for one reason or another. But again I ask, if he is legit, what does he gain by keeping this documentation away from the public eye?

Back to the economy. If you have a mortgage out on your house and you stop paying it, what happens? Eventually the bank will take it back. Now let’s pretend you get in debt by dining out too often. When the credit card company wants its money, and you can’t pay or give anything to pay the debt back, what happens? They cut off your credit. Right now we owe 11.7 Trillion dollars and climbing. There will be fundamental reform. It will be up to the American public to decide what that reform will be. If nothing is done to regulate our own currency as a nation, this debt will never go away and our children will forever be enslaved by it.

The direction our nation is heading will leave no one will the opportunity of earning more. The concept of working harder to have more will be a thing of the past. Our leaders, in addition to their supporters, have misunderstood that equal rights warrants for equal opportunities, NOT EQUAL RESULTS. Kobe Bryant deserves to be paid more than “Benchwarmer Billy”. Why? Because he’s a better basketball player. Salaries for professional athletes are not what I’m defending or even discussing. Benchwarmer Billy could try harder, train better, and practice longer but his results will be different than those of Kobe Bryant. How dare our Federal Government try to tell anybody how far they can go financially or in any other area of life! While a lot of people benefited from, supported, and were big fans of Robin Hood, his practice of taking what didn’t belong to him was still breaking the law.

This is America, land of the free who said no to taxation without representation. Men died saying “no” to the King of England, you will not tell us what to do. God is the only one with the authority to make the rules. Only His rules are flawless. Only His rules are firm and cannot be manipulated and bent to satisfy worldly desires like power and money. This is America, where we stand for a republic rather than the abomination that’s been ruling this land since before I was born.

When this country was founded, its leaders wrote the Constitution wanting AS LITTLE GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT ANARCHY. Today that scale has shifted to the complete opposite where we are so close to total and absolute tyranny it would make Jefferson turn in his grave. Our country’s founders would be ashamed at the degradation our society has accepted. I want freedom! I want to follow God’s Law and no one else’s! I want the rights given to me by none other than Him! Yet the people have spoken. Be careful what you wish for America. They wanted change and they’re going to get it for all of us.

“We will change America and we will change the world!” - B. Hussein Obama after every Presidential campaign speech

God bless America

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