Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Lie

If you are told what you know to be a lie and do nothing to expose the lie, you become a part of the lie. Miranda and I have been told a lie. We know, without a shadow of a doubt that what we were told on and following the events that occurred on 9/11/01 by our elected officials and mainstream media was a horrific lie.

Last night I was at Blockbuster looking for a good action film or maybe a comedy to watch for entertainment. I happened to stumble upon a documentary entitled “911: In Plane Site”. In this documentary, there is indisputable, irrefutable, verified video evidence of the following in addition to others:

1) There was never a plane at the Pentagon

2) The second plane that hit the WTC, piercing the South Tower was not a commercial plane

3) There was never a plane that landed in any field in Pittsburgh. There is however reporting of the United 93 flight making an emergency landing at the Cleveland airport the morning of Sept. 11, due to a supposed bomb threat.

4) Admittance that there were explosives used in the collapse of the WTC’s building number 7.

I had previously viewed many of these video clips, but never back to back to back like in this 75 minute film. After watching this, I was presented with the following realizations

1) Anyone with a third grade education can clearly see that what we were told about 9/11 was a lie

2) Our government was directly involved in the events that took place and the cover-up following

3) If I keep my mouth shut, ignoring the facts and looking the other way, I am a part of the lie. I am siding with the enemy.

4) As a man of integrity, with this information I need to either do everything I can to fight against this type of state-sponsored terrorism or have nothing to do with it.

This being the case I have decided to leave the country. If the American people were to look at the facts, use common sense, and have integrity in standing up for what is right, there would have already been a revolution. There already would have been men, women, children, military, and police officers finding who was responsible for these heinous crimes. The percentage of those not afraid of confronting the truth is too small compared to the percentage of those more concerned with what’s on primetime television. The people who make up America have lied to themselves creating a false world. They’ve imagined a world that is far from reality.

It is because of these people that I will soon no longer be able to say I am a resident of the United States of America. That makes me sad. It’s a harsh reality accepting that the world you want to live in is not possible. Human consciousness has declined. Our morals, values, principles, common sense, and intolerance for evil, have all dissolved. Today is the day I say enough is enough. I am leaving the land that was once a free, Godly nation full of those with integrity and dignity in search of a more peaceful, simple life; A life that isn’t ruled by possessions, positions, status, and finances. A place where people are honest, who aren’t afraid to call it like they see it. A land of people who use their minds and think. A country with little government involvement, and one that will not criminalize its own people for asking questions or having certain beliefs.

I am not looking for a perfect place or one that will give me happiness. I believe happiness comes from within, through the Spirit. Life away from America may be uncomfortable, scary, or inconvenient. I acknowledge this. However, living abroad I will be able to say this; I am not supporting terrorism, abortion, schools that condition rather than teach, and communism. I am not supporting a nation of people who don’t know their own country’s foundation. I am not supporting an ill legit president backed by the support of highly influential wealthy bankers. I am not supporting a group of rulers who make money and gain power through war and fear. Who make money and gain power through murdering their own people.

I hold no judgment. You need to make the choice for yourself. If you want to know the truth about what’s going on in this country and around the world, send me your address. I will send you as many copies of each DVD that you’d like. Please seriously consider this.

911: In Plane Site- I assure you, this will leave you with no doubt that our government was involved.

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement- reveals the ultimate agenda of the groups that desire world power.

Money as Debt- a 45 minute video explaining the equation of our unsustainable financial system that leads to destruction

The Obama Deception- explaining that Barrack is just like George W. Bush in regards to whom he takes orders from. This is the number one video on the internet and has millions of copies circulating around the world. It reveals the agenda that Obama is pushing right now with the result being a complete collapse of the US economy.

The choice is yours. Either you continue living in a world of make-believe, or you face the truth and handle it how you see fit. Again, I hold no judgment. My wife and I have seen the truth and will not be influenced or affected by your decision. I will say this however, JESUS IS KING. Read the Bible, confess to Him. It is ONLY through his salvation that we will be with God in Heaven. Do not love the world as it is merely a second in eternity. Love your neighbors and love your family.

I believe God wants us to see the truth and help bring Heaven to Earth instead of just waiting for our reward at the end. I want to be happy and at peace. Miranda and I both feel we will have a better chance at this away from the US. As we will begin preparing, learning all we can about moving away, I ask for your thoughts and prayers. This is not an easy decision but what we feel is right. I love you and may God have mercy on us all.

God bless America

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