Monday, July 27, 2009

Why Should I Follow The Rules?

Regardless of where he was born, he’s not eligible to be president. This is the law and it’s all explained by Major Cook’s attorney, Orly Taitz, in this video. This issue is not going away. You can see the many other court cases that have all been dismissed for no reason on Wikipedia’s, “Barrack Obama Citizenship Conspiracy Theories” page.

In the news today, Jerusalem is protesting Obama.

What’s going on in this country is disgusting. Our “president” is not permitted to hold his position under our Constitution. Our Secretary of Treasury, (Bilderberg and CFR member) Tim Geithner, cheats on his taxes. Nancy Pelosi has told Americans there’s not a chance for them to make over a million dollars a year. Obama campaigned against the Patriot Act, yet has now upped its funding. Even our own allies in Israel are protesting what this administration is doing! Meanwhile, our Congress continues indebting our nation when it’s been made clear our debt is not sustainable.

When viewing these facts, I, in addition to many others, think about a number of questions.

If our “President” can break the law, lie, and steal, why shouldn’t I?

If our “Treasury Secretary” cheats on his taxes, why can’t I?

If by getting rich you’re penalized, why work harder to make more money?

If our government can “legally” view this e-mail, how am I free?

If our “representatives” can spend crazy amounts of money when we already have crazy amounts of debt, why shouldn’t I?

If our military can be exempted from fighting in combat when they question the legitimacy of their Commander-in-Chief, why should we not question it too?

How can I trust the internet when a website, supposedly run by normal citizens, is calling those who question Obama’s eligibility “conspiracy theorists”?

If we are becoming a socialist country with this health care reform, what will make us any different than the country we revolted against in 1776?

And the most disturbing question is this. If our allies thousands of miles away in a different country are protesting what our administration is doing, why in the world are more Americans not doing the same??

I have no incentive to live in America anymore. Free, just, law-abiding America has become a mockery and we have only ourselves to blame.



  1. 1. - not only has the birth certificate issue been squashed but are you really wanting to align yourself with a conspiracy theorist?? I mean really?! Okay, so they might not be mentally ill... but close enough!

    2. wikipedia?! its the most UNRELIABLE SOURCE! You're not even allowed to quote wikipedia in college papers because its not credited. Anyone can write on it, *I* can write on it.

    If our “President” can break the law, lie, and steal, why shouldn’t I? Sorry to break it to ya... but thats not new. They all lie.

    They’re politicians! There is not ONE politician that hasn't gone in front of the American Citizens and promised something but didnt do it. However, maybe you should back up your claim on the "stealing" part. I'm not sure Obama has stolen anything.

    If our “Treasury Secretary” cheats on his taxes, why can’t I?

    go ahead, you'll get audited at some point. People still voted him in to that position and thats not Obamas doing so really you should take that up with the conservative party that also okayed Timothy Geithner's place as Treasury Secretary.

    If by getting rich you’re penalized, why work harder to make more money?

    It doesn't make sense to tax the poor, they cannot afford the higher taxes. And to tax the middle class with wipe out the middle class and leave just the rich and poor as economic societies in the US. The middle class is extremely important in an economic society and to tax the middle class would be detrimental to an already failing economy.

    If our government can “legally” view this e-mail, how am I free?

    agreed! this is a question that should have been asked years ago. Which this guy did:

    If our military can be exempted from fighting in combat when they question the legitimacy of their Commander-in-Chief, why should we not question it too? - he's a volunteer! so he had the right to revoke his orders anyway so this is why he was even exempted.. Also I have a little more faith in who we appoint in our intelligence unit and I would HOPE they would have uncovered any "issues" a long time ago. My brain cant even wrap around the idea that no one has uncovered any issue with the legitimacy of obama but yet there's still something he's hiding? Sorry the birth of obama wasn't made into a documentary for all those out there questioning it. whoever wins the presidency 40 years from now better start recording his birthplace.

  2. How can I trust the internet when a website, supposedly run by normal citizens, is calling those who question Obama’s eligibility “conspiracy theorists”?

    You do realise that you gave a link titled "Barack Obama Citizenship Conspiracy Theories"?!?! Also if you believe in an event or set of circumstance that has been either covered up or had truth withheld for another underlying outcome then that is the definition of a conspiracy theory so obviously the proper term to use to define those people would be a "Conspiracy theorist". Its not an insult, its fact.

    If we are becoming a socialist country with this health care reform, what will make us any different than the country we revolted against in 1776?

    Our country is built on equality. So why shouldnt all citizens be treated equal and given the same benefits?! Why do 40 million americans have to suffer for not having health insurance? why do 100's of millions of Americans have to struggle with fighting with the insurance companies they currently have to even receive healthcare?! our healthcare system is corrupt, its run by billion dollar corporations that get money by denying claims or not paying the full amount of procedures and in turn people have to pay back what is owed. Its terrible. People are dying every day because they are living under this false idea that the insurance card in their wallet will be their lifesaver in a medical crisis but in reality... unless you are rich and paying the absurd amount to have full coverage you will NOT be covered in all situations. I don't understand why anyone would question a universal healthcare system... it is a right that ALL CITIZENS should have. NO ONE should have to die because they are not covered by their insurance company or because they cannot afford or even qualify for a privately owned (corporate) healthcare system. If this means we are a "socialist" country then I guess i'm a fan of socialism. Give me free healthcare because I am as equal of a citizen as donald fucking trump, if the U.S. wants to be a highly educated society then maybe try offering a college education that is of reasonable value and would allow all citizens to go, why is Europe so advanced in education?! because its paid for!

  3. To respond to Sabrina's comment,
    Are you aware that this method of "equality" has been practiced already in England?? NO ONE over 59 is allowed to receive heart repairs, stents, or bypass, because the government finds it to be too expensive. The older people are literally thrown under the bus, in order to care for the more "worth it" younger people. What kind of equality is this?!?
    If you could only see what this government wants to DO once they have control of our health-care, you would NOT be "a fan of socialism". Private companies will go down as we are ALL forced to switch over to the "fair" (and soon, mandatory) government health-care plan. Please read the email I forwarded to you earlier today.

    To address the "conspiracy theorists" comment...

    Some of the definitions for "theory" are contemplation, speculation, guess, or conjecture.
    To merely state the obvious truth (or fact), Obama has NOT released the full long form of his birth certificate. That is a fact. This is no guess or speculation, it's the truth. So, the term "theorist" doesn't even apply here.

    Not to mention, the COUNTLESS other records (school records, health records, his own Senate records, etc.) he refuses to release. This is no "theory", it is simply stating the facts and demanding answers.

  4. One thing you need to understand is the equality issue. This country was founded on EQUAL OPPORTUNITY NOT EQUAL RESULTS.

    And again about the whole conspiracy theory. If you have facts to back a theory it becomes a possibility. With enough facts it becomes a probability.

    FACT: Obama has not given permission for the citizens of America to view a copy of his Birth Certificate showing the hospital, doctor, date, etc.

    Possibility: He could be hiding that he isn't a natural-born citizen as required for the position of Presidency under our Constitution.

    When then viewing the possibility you need to use common sense and ask what the motive is.

    If Obama could shut everyone up by showing this, what does he gain by not?

    Ask the questions and use common sense. If you don't have common sense, you're the reason for my exodus. Have fun living as slaves in an imaginary free world.
