10. "Gardasil may have cosmetic adverse effect"
9. "While Americans are told to get flu shots, military vaccines are crippling and killing soldiers"
8. "Girls used as Guinea Pigs in HPV Trials Admits GSK"
7. "Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a Global Pandemic"
6. "Children injected expired vaccine"
5. "Kids given old vaccine"
4. "CBS 60 Minutes: 300 death claims from 1976 swine flu vaccine, only one death from flu"
3. "Boy doomed as vaccine turns nasty"
2. "Hospital Charged In Complaint Over Smallpox Vaccine; Nurse Says Good Samaritan Acted Improperly"
1. "Swine flu vaccine rushed through safety checks"
These are 10 of the most recent headlines in the last two weeks about various vaccines. As the Swine Flu continues to spread, very soon we will all be faced with the decision of “Should I get the shot?” Based on my individual research and the knowledge gained from it, I will not be getting vaccinated. I recently found the website of WAVE (World Association for Vaccine Education). While I have only scratched the surface of this site, there is a ton of information available. Everything you could think of from the names of vaccines, ingredients, side effects, and anything else. These headlines are from their website. The decision is yours of whether you choose to vaccinate yourself or your children. With that said, this is my opinion: based on the facts I’ve researched and confirmed I discourage you from getting a vaccination. Whether or not my suggestion turns out to be beneficial or damaging, my intentions are good. I will not be affected whether you take the shot or not. Those telling you that you should get a vaccine are those who will be financially benefited. Our government, pharmaceutical companies and doctors will make billions of dollars from this. In other words, DO YOUR HOMEWORK, THINK FOR YOURSELF, AND KNOW WHAT GOES IN YOUR BODY. Once it’s in, it can’t come out.
WAVE’s website- http://www.novaccine.com/vaccine-risks/
Article discussing pharmaceutical companies’ financial gains from the H1N1 virus vaccines- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/375dde06-7559-11de-9ed5-00144feabdc0.html?nclick_check=1
God bless
http://www.cdc.gov/flu/keyfacts.htm These are key facts from the CDC Web site that discuss statistics of the regular seasonal influenza. According to the site, about 36,000 people in the United States die of from flu-related causes. These are all deaths from the everyday flu. So far this year, the death toll for H1N1, or Swine Flu, is less than 200. For me, I would need much greater statistics to know that getting a vaccine would indeed benefit my health. As of now, I'm not so sure.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it's important to remember the time in history when Swine Flu was around. So many vaccinations were given out and so many deaths, complications, etc. occurred due to the vaccine. Each affected person was able to file lawsuits against the leaders behind the vaccine. This time around, with the new "wave" of swine flu, vaccine makers were granted legal immunity so that when complications arise from this vaccine, nothing can be done about it.
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hjdCHrP82YTFser5vD6CzTK1az6wD99GH8580 From the Associated Press.
Excellent information! I did not know about this legal immunity law. Thanks for the info.